Portfolio | Emmanuel Walujo - Backend Developer

Emmanuel Walujo

Software Developer | JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React.js, AWS

About Me

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Golang, PHP
Frameworks: Node.js, Express.js, React.js, Next.js, Nest.js, Codeiginiter, Laravel, WordPress, JQuery.
Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB
Tools: MongoDB Compass, MySQL Workbench, PgAdmin, phpMyAdmin, Git, Bitbucket, GitHub, Click Up, Figma, Jira.
Editor Journey: Sublime, Atom, VS Code, Vim, WebStorm, PhpStorm, PyCharm, GoLand.
Operating System: Macintosh, Linux, Windows


Total Exp. - 6+ Years
Current Employer - Help Us Defend, Frontend Developer (React.JS)

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer - Techno Brain LTD, Kampala, Uganda (Feb 2021 – Oct 2023)

● Part of the distributed team that developed the Programme Budgeting System (PBS) for the Ministry of Finance in Uganda and the Nairobi City County (NCC) System in Kenya.
● Identified areas for modification and improvements and reported to the inline manager within the shortest time possible.
● Also led the development and maintenance of admin, audit, and reports micro-services which greatly increased the performance of the PBS system.
● Participated in the system architecting and payment gateway integration in the NCC system and Obtained “Employee feather in my Cap 2021 Q4 Award”, owing to exceptional software design and support to solutions departments.
● Documented all supported systems and applications to streamline existing business procedures, effectively training new team members and reducing onboarding time.

Software Engineer - The Floor, London, UK (Feb 2022 - Feb 2023)

● Provided designing and programming support in enhancing the floor application accessed by over one million users worldwide.
● Contributed towards the designing and developing The Floor website, platform and CMS by converting UI designs into clean, scalable, maintainable and well-tested code.
● Solved complex technological issues for a variety of assigned issues, achieving over 75% customer satisfaction rate.
● Participated in creating new features on the floor application like shop and events and integration of stripe and other APIs.

Software Engineer - Xaecia, Kampala, Uganda (Aug 2018 - Jan 2021)

● Developed the concept of technical solutions based on customer needs to ensure satisfaction.
● Gathered and analyzed technical application requirements, increasing overall efficiency.
● Built and deployed a reusable working software following the agile principle, maintaining company procedures while increasing the productivity of all departmental operations.
● Contributed to the continual improvement of the design and development process, maintaining strong aspects while researching and providing recommendations for areas of improvement.
● Designed and developed Restful APIs to maintain operations continuity and productivity using PHP and Node.js.
● Conceptualized, built, and developed Web applications utilizing HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, React.js, Angular, Bootstrap and Material UI.

Software Developer - Saipali Infotech, Kampala, Uganda (Jun 2017 - Jul 2018)

● Worked with other 7 Developers on tasks to ensure the on-time delivery of company projects.
● Developed highly interactive web applications using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap and Material UI while integrating Restful APIs and external web services, ensuring high performance.
● Worked with 2 Software Architects to understand coding standards and architectural practices.
● Quickly responded to critical support issues, acquiring a performance rate of over 80%.
● Debugged existing applications and software modules to maintain business productivity.
● Wrote clean, modular web-based SaaS applications in an agile and ever-changing environment, producing the desired result before the deadline with a high satisfaction rate.
● Utilized fundamental knowledge of application development using technologies like PHP, Rest and Frameworks such as CodeIgniter and Laravel to deliver operations efficiency.

Volunteer Experience

Frontend Developer (React.JS) - Help Us Defend, Windsor, ON, CA (Dec 2023 – Present)

● Assist in developing defend applications for Help Us Defend using React.js, Redux, Cypress, React Testing Library, SCSS and Next.js
● Participate in coding activities, maintaining the integrity of the application logic, coding, developing and updating the existing systems to improve performance and add new features.

Latest Projects


The Floor

The Floor Project - The Floor empowers Creators and Supporters to engage in new ways. Supporters get exclusive access to their favourite Creators. Creators get seen and paid fairly. The Floor only carries creative content. Paying creators fairly and providing them with incredible tools. Creators can start a page, and receive donations for free or start their own events.

Technology Stack - JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, AWS, React.js, Redux, Version Control and CI & CD
Team Size - 9

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Side Project - Online Point of Sales system (POS) for all kinds of business.

Technology Stack - JavaScript, Nodejs, Express, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Reactjs, Redux, Git, Linux, GitHub
Team Size - 2

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Side Project - For easy management of production units, sales and reporting for companies which deal in growing, buying and selling grains on a large scale.

Technology Stack - JavaScript, Nodejs, Express, PostgreSQL, Reactjs, DevExpress (Pivot Grid), Git, Bitbucket
Team Size - 2

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Franklin Owar-Thumbnail

Franklin Owar

Side Project - Campaigning platform for Aspiring Member of Parliament West Budama - Eastern Uganda (2021 - 2026)

Technology Stack - Html, Css, Bootstrap, Gulp, Scss
Team Size - 1

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SMS - Saipali School Management System-Thumbnail

Integrated School Management System (ISMS)

Saipali Infotech Project - School Management Software for easing School activities like student registration, report making, attendance, accounts and more.

Technology Stack - PHP, Codeiginiter, MySQL, JavaScript, Git, Linux, GitHub
Team Size - 5

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